A street artist will walk through Skiathos town this Friday sending a message on migration
2019-08-27 15:00:32
A unique performance is set to occur in Skiathos by Bernardo San Rafael, a dance performance artist born in Costa Rica, grown up in Germany, whose topics deal with materialistic extremes and the life in abundance. He performs in public spaces in order to communicate his artistic purposes directly with people.
His performance is about the migration of children in Central America to the USA where he comes from. Every teddy Bernardo holds represents a child who died on the way to the USA.
"In this performance I got inspired trough the migration from children in Central America who get missed and disappear in Mexico. Those children are leaving their countries in a hopeless search for a better future in the USA. In Central America the teddy bear is a symbol not only for love but for a good life in abundance, what they expect to get crossing illegally the border. They are migrating to get the teddies they couldn't have before in the childhood.
The global effects of our extremely materialistic life is for the most of the people unknown. We have the same thing with all the people coming from Africa. They take all the risks just to look for a better future and many of them die on the way." says the artist.
You can see him crossing Skiathos town as an act of symbolizing migration this Friday 30/8, starting at 18.45 in the church of Panagia Limnia and anyone can join the walk at different points along with the artist.
You can find more information on the artist's webpage https://www.bernardosanrafael.com/