SKIATHOS Ο καιρός σήμερα

Mήνυμα υποστήριξης προς το λαό και το Δήμαρχο Σκιάθου από το Δήμαρχο του Newport

2023-09-09 22:09:35
Eπιστολή προς το λαό και τον Δήμαρχο Σκιάθου κ. Θοδωρή Τζούμα απήυθυνε ο Δήμαρχος της αδελφοποιημένης πόλης των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών του Νewport : Dear Mayor Tzoumas, I am reaching out to extend my thoughts and support as you lead the recovery effort for Skiathos, Newport’s Sister City. Our mutual friend, Alexander Philippedes, shared the news of the devastating floods that have hit your  City, as well as the strong job you are doing leading the City through this challenging time. Your quick action and steady hand are apparent in the news coverage and I know your leadership will ensure a quick recovery. Please do not hesitate to call on me if I can be of any assistance.  You are in the thoughts of myself and the residents of Newport. I look forward to meeting on a brighter day in the future. Very truly yours, Xay Khamsyvoravong Mayor of Newport, Rhode Island, USA